Join Us

About Us!

We are emerging and professional artists from across the globe with a common interest, painting in PLEIN AIR. We use different mediums, have different perspectives, and are visual storytellers; capturing light, mood and atmosphere. Join us!

Join Us

Currently accepting 2025 NEW and RENEWING memberships.

Membership Application

Click here: FCPAP Application

Mail $35.00 check made out to FCPAP to:

First Coast Plein Air Painters, 10700 Beach Blvd, PO Box 54735, Jacksonville, FL 32246

If paying online either mail the application to the address above or email it and indicate on the application that you paid online.

Click the “PAY DUES” button or scan the QR code to pay online.

Pay Dues Here


PayPal QR code



Jan 1 – Dec 31  Please note that all memberships expire on December 31st each year, regardless of when you join or renew unless stated by a special membership Drive. December membership payment does count for the following year. 


Membership Benefits

Discounts at two local art stores

Discounted workshops

Two to four exhibits a year


Two paint-outs a month

Sales opportunities


Member Meetings

3rd Tuesday of the month (Unless otherwise noted on Calendar

Meeting location:

CoRK Studio, 603 King St.

Jacksonville Arts District

(park on Roselle side & back)

5:30 p.m. social/show & tell

6:00 p.m. meeting begins